(c) Montez Dove 2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Friday, July 19, 2013
Things Are Unfolding
Do you have a dream in your heart that hasn't come to fruition? Maybe you've been laboring with or carrying your God-given dream for years and it has yet to come to pass. If so, I want to encourage you to keep on dreaming and moving forward with great expectation. Most of the time when God gives a dream or an assignment, it usually requires a process. The process usually consists of testing that overtime will develop Godly-character and maturity in both the dream and the dreamer. Let's consider God's servant Joseph (Genesis 37). When God ignited the dream in Joseph's heart, he was just a young teen. Then a series of unfavorable events took place between the times of him receiving the dream, until it was fully manifested. Joseph was rejected, sold into slavery, lied on, and unjustly put in prison. Joseph had to endure much hardship, but the opposition was never able to rob him of his dream and destiny in God. As a matter of fact, all of the obstacles and negative events contributed to the development of his strong future leadership. And fortunately what was intended for harm, God intended for good (Genesis 50:20). What Joseph spoke of in his youth, later manifested in his thirties. The promise that God put in Joseph's heart accomplished just what it was sent forth to do. And you too, can expect the same to happen regarding the dream that's in your heart. Keep believing in your dream and God's timing, because daily through all of the favorable and unfavorable circumstances things are unfolding.
Friday, May 3, 2013
Being around the right people will bring the best out of you. Likewise, being around the wrong people will bring the worst out of you. Evaluate your relationships and take note of what each one is bringing out of you.
(c) Montez Dove 2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Friday, April 12, 2013
Pull Out
Have you ever felt overwhelmed with the busyness of life? If so, you are not alone. Each day comes with so many demands and if you don't closely manage yourself and time, you will burnout and crash under the pressures of life. That's why it's so important that you not only know and recognize the signs leading to a burnout. You need to know how to set boundaries for yourself and prevent burnout altogether. No one knows you better than you. That's why you are the responsible party for calling the timeouts you need in life. Jesus is our perfect example of how to live life more abundantly. Matthew 14:23 says, "And when he had sent the multitude away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone." Jesus daily ministered to the masses but often time He would pull away from the crowd to be alone with the Father for a refreshing. If Jesus practiced pulling away, it would probably be wise for us to do the same. Matthew 11:28 says, "Come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." If you are on the verge of a burnout, now is the perfect time for you to schedule some much needed down time. I recommend that you pull away without any guilt of taking care of you. Schedule yourself a vacation or just get alone by yourself. The restful quality time alone will refresh you, strengthen you and give you a new perspective on life. It's time to pull out!
God, Keep Me Balanced ~ Poem
I find myself exhauted; I find myself drained. I find myself slipping from joy, crossing over into pain. I find myself empty; I find myself dry. I think I'd better stop for a minute and ask myself why?
God, Keep Me Balanced ~ Poem
I find myself exhauted; I find myself drained. I find myself slipping from joy, crossing over into pain. I find myself empty; I find myself dry. I think I'd better stop for a minute and ask myself why?
(c) Montez Dove 2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Be Thankful
The other day I was driving down the street counting my blessings and reminiscing on the goodness of God. Then, before I knew it I was overtaken with feelings of pure gratitude. I thought about how faithful God has been to me and how excited I was about being alive and knowing Him. Nothing outside of God concerned me at that time. It didn't matter what material things I had or didn't have, but what did matter was my acknowledgement of a loving God. My heart and my mind was strictly focused on Him with an attitude of gratitude. What about you? Have you taken time out of your busy life lately just to think of the goodness of God and to thank Him? If not, now would be the perfect time to do so. Psalm 136:1 states, "O give thanks unto the Lord; for he is good: for his mercy endureth forever."
Be Thankful ~ Poem
Thankfulness is an expression that should last throughout the year. We all should be grateful and rejoice that we're still here. For God has been so good and so very kind. We shouldn't thank Him once a year, but thank Him all the time.
Be Thankful ~ Poem
Thankfulness is an expression that should last throughout the year. We all should be grateful and rejoice that we're still here. For God has been so good and so very kind. We shouldn't thank Him once a year, but thank Him all the time.
(c) Montez Dove 2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
It's Time To Move Forward
Have you suffered a loss or a major disappointment lately that has paralyzed your progress of moving forward? Was it the loss of a job or a loved one? Or was it the disappointment of a failed relationship? Whatever it is that has you cemented in pain, I hope that these words of encouragement will set you free from despair. There are times in all of lives when we've had to endure a loss of some sort; and for many of us, our experiences have been extremely overwhelming. The unexpected events of life will often throw curve balls that will knock us off base and make us feel that we don't have what it takes to recover and move on. However, I assure you that all loss doesn't have to be perceived as bad, because there are times that we must suffer a loss to gain something greater. Ecclesiastes 3:1 states, "To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Have you ever lost a job only to gain a better one? Have you lost a loved one to gain a better appreciation for life? Have you lost a turbulent relationship only to gain peace? Therefore, all things are working together for every season of your life. I challenge you today to get up and look past your pain. Ask God to show you what it is for you to gain, because it's time to move forward.
(c) Montez Dove 2013 - All Rights Reserved.
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