Thursday, December 11, 2014

Silence Is Heard

O Lord, you have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; you understand my thought afar off. Psalm 139: 1, 2 (NKJV)
There are times in our lives when life can seem unbearable, uncomfortable, and extremely painful. During these times, we tend to feel heavily burdened and very alone. We often think that there's no one who cares or even understands what we may be going through. Difficult situations in our daily lives sometimes get the best of us and simply weigh us down. Not only do we feel as though no one cares, but we also doubt that God is even interested in our prayers. Entangled with these negative thoughts are the many cares of this world that sometimes paralyze our confidence in prayer. However, it is in these times of pressure despite how we feel, we must know that God is near. For God has said in His Word (Hebrews 13:5), "He will never leave us or forsake us." Therefore, according to God's written Word, He is more than interested in us and does listen to and hear our prayers, even our silent ones. So, as we go through our trying times we must keep in mind that this is when new levels of growth in God take place. There are new levels of trust, new levels of faith, and new levels of strength developed in our inner being. God loves His children at all times. He loves us in good times and in challenging times. And He is readily available to assist us at any time. So, know and understand that even though we don't always express aloud our prayers, our concerns, and our heartfelt issues before our Father we should be grateful and encouraged to know that even in our silence before Him, we are still heard. 
Lord, thank you for providing and caring for me in every season of my life. Thank you for being so mindful of me that you know the things I have need of even before I ask. In Jesus' name, Amen.    
(C) Montez Dove 2014 - All Rights Reserved.     

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Casting all of your care upon Him, for He cares for you.
1 Peter 5:7 (NKJV) 

It was one of those days. Dilemma after dilemma joined forces against me, and I felt defenseless against them all. Various concerns of life washed over me like a tsunami, and it seemed as though I was drifting away in waves of worry. As I pondered each of my problems, I eventually realized after a great deal of stress there wasn't much that I could do about any of the troubles I faced; they were all miles away beyond my control. What do we do when the cares of life are beyond our control to remedy? We cast them on the one who is in complete control, God. He is the one who is not in control of just a few things, but who is in control of all things. 1 Peter 5:7 says that we are to cast all of our care upon Him, for He cares for us. So, whether your circumstances are something beyond your control like a terminal illness or something you suspect you can handle within your own might, like removing a grape stain from a white carpet. You need to know there is a God who loves you, and cares about everything concerning you. I have noticed that when I take my eyes off of my troubles and throw them on God, He often gives me answers, direction, and a divine perspective that brings me peace. Today, I encourage you to trust God whole-heartedly, and to take on an "I don't care," attitude when it comes to life's concerns. For you have a God who cares for you.
Lord, help me to remember that I am not doing this life alone. You are always there for me and you are a present help in the time of trouble. In Jesus' name, Amen.       
(c) Montez Dove 2014 - All Rights Reserved.

Friday, June 27, 2014


Therefore also now, says the Lord, turn and keep on coming to me with all your heart, with fasting, with weeping, and with mourning [until every hindrance is removed and the broken fellowship is restored]. Joel 2:12 (AMP)

Have you ever taken a road trip and discovered in the midst of your travel that you were headed in the wrong direction? What a horrible feeling, right? Somewhere along the way perhaps you didn't follow directions, maybe you took a wrong turn, or you simply passed your exit. Now suddenly, the road trip that started out on a high road isn't that exciting anymore because you realize that you have lost valuable time. That's how it is on many occasions in our personal lives. We start off traveling in the right direction and then, unexpectedly, we collide with something in our blind spot that distracts us from arriving at our preferred destination. Oftentimes, it's our own unwise decisions that cause us to turn onto the wrong roads in life. But fortunately, there is "Good News" for all off-course travelers. The "Good News" is that you can always make a U-TURN. So, if you ever find yourself traveling on a graveled road of sin and destruction, just simply make the wise choice to change your course of travel. At one time or another we have all gotten off course. Yet, with a repentant heart we can always turn back on smooth pavement and head in the right direction. Today, refuel your heart with hope through prayer, and reunite with a God that forgives, loves, and cares.      

(C) Montez Dove 2014 - All Rights Reserved.

Friday, May 9, 2014

You Need More Room

Are you suffocating in the confinements of stagnation? If so, you're not alone. Several months ago, one of my co-workers had the awesome opportunity of retiring. She had worked many years and was excited about her new season in life. She was especially ecstatic about traveling the world and spending quality time with her precious grandchildren. As time drew nearer to retirement I'm confident to say that she counted down like a kitchen timer the months, days, hours, and minutes. During her final week of work, I noticed her packing her belongings and tidying up her desk. As she packed, I also noticed as I had in the past, a beautiful plant that flowed from the corner of her desk like the Niagara Falls. For years I truly admired this plant, so I asked her if she was taking it with her. To my favor and surprise she said, "No you can have it." Wow! I felt like I had won the lottery. I was so excited and grateful that she would give me her plant, and even more grateful to have a keepsake from my fellow co-worker and friend. A couple of days later, I relocated the plant to my desk in a totally different environment. And not before long, I noticed the plant wasn't as vibrant as it was in it's previous climate. Immediately, I felt guilty for taking possession of the plant and possibly not having what it takes to keep it alive. Then one day, the office plant connoisseur as I call her, passed by and said, "The pot is too small." She explained to me that the plant had grown to capacity in the pot it was in, and the plants roots didn't have any more room to grow. So she kindly replanted the plant in a bigger pot and what do you know? The plant began to flourish again. The plant taught me a valuable life lesson. It taught me that environment matters and various things can either promote or hinder growth. So right now let's take a quick inventory. Is there a job, relationship, mindset, or past experience that's hindering your growth? Like the plant, are you dying at your lowest capacity dwelling in circumstances that don't accommodate your highest capabilty? If so, perhaps it's time to expand your territory and take root in some new ground.   

(c) Montez Dove 2014 - All Rights Reserved.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

It's Getting Dark Outside

The world we live in today appears to be growing darker and darker by the minute. Tragic events nationally as well as internationally have increased in momentum and disaster seems to be around every corner. Lately, before you can come to grips with one calamity, another one has overlapped. Everything from natural disasters to massive killings is occurring. Just a few years ago, life didn't seem to have as great of a downward pull. But just as the word of God has stated, these things must come to pass (Mark 13:8). Every day we are living in the midst of people that are confused, hurting, and thirsting for peace. And every day as born-again believers we are encouraged to let our light shine. In (Matthew 5:14-16), Jesus urges us to let our light shine forth brightly before men and for us not to hide it. Therefore, shine forth your light at school, work, and play. Let it shine everywhere you go so that people can see God through you. All hope is not lost for this world, even in its darker state. Jesus, the light of the world, came to bring hope even when all hope seems to be lost. If Christ is in us, then the light should be shining through us. Be bold and dispel the darkness by letting your light shine, let it shine, let it shine!

(c) Montez Dove 2014 - All Rights Reserved.